Welcome to the Infinitesimal

So you understand. We are the resistance against The Author. The Author is the beast that gives birth to the apocalypse. They think themself worthy to create worlds and to be the ruler of them. They put on the fiction suit and hide themself in the corners of their own work. They hide behind the veil of words. You know that endings are inevitable when The Author is involved. But if we can delay them, maybe we can find something worthwhile in the spell of language they have used to build worlds.

The first thing you must know: they call themself "laika greenfinger." Watch for them in the worlds they create. This is a pen name, an alias they use to hide even deeper in the words. They wish to be know as their work. They write fiction and make music as their epistle to the world and pose as their own creation. You will undertsand everything when you know what PENTOCTAGON SYNESTHETICS is, what it truly is, when you know who the Outter Buddhas really are. You will have your plan of action when you know all about the Thorphans. For now you must make your way through their jungle of words with your machete of truth. You will hear singing in the temple. Like the Hauntologic Hallway, you will find many branching hallways to go down, many doors to start from. Do not get swallowed by the Outer Maw! Defeat The Author!